An urgent message from NRA Director Buzz Mills of Gunsite Academy.
September 20, 2024
By Buzz Mills, Director NRA, Owner Gunsite Academy
Good day Sons and Daughters of Freedom. I approach you today with a very important task, albeit a pretty simple one. Just for Freedom, The USA, and Our NRA. For the past 6 years, the NRA has been wracked with both internal and external threats. The NYAG has prosecuted us for protecting freedom and discovered corruption internally, which made her job that much easier. Wayne LaPierre and others have been found guilty of various charges involving misappropriation of members’ funds. We are now approaching the annual election of members of the NRA Board of Directors. As you know, I have long been one of the Reformers on the Board. We need to elect more Reformers to take control of the NRA and bring it back to you, the members.
NRA Petition Candidates Round-Up Click Here!
It will take you to the list of REFORM CANDIDATES we are working to get on the BALLOT for the election this winter. Each candidate has a bio and a petition. I and the REFORMERS on the board heartily ENDORSE every one of these folks and ask for your support. Here’s your task:
First inform yourself with the bios. Second print the petition for each candidate, sign each one if you are eligible, and GET ALL YOUR FRIENDS to sign. Mail it USPS with the original to Rocky Marshall – address is on the above link. To put good folks on the ballot takes 500 signatures of NRA life members (or annual members with 5 continuous years of membership) I need YOU to help with this Reform movement.
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