September 05, 2019
By Jim Grant
According to ABC News , “Lawmakers around the country are making a renewed push to ban high-capacity magazines.” purportedly in response to the last few highly-publicized mass-shootings.
The piece then apparently paraphrases some unnamed group of experts, politicians and gun-control advocates, stating, “It takes less time for a driver to wait through a stop light, than for a mass-shooter to kill dozens of people with a 100-round magazine.”
While the same can be said of the dozens of trucks utilized by terrorists in Europe to kill innocent people, ABC has thus far been silent on banning those vehicles. Instead, the alleged new agency jumps back to talking about the Las Vegas shooting involving a bump stock. Curious how despite it being banned, Americans are still seeing mass-shootings - almost like it had no effect whatsoever on crime.
Even more interesting, is that the majority of mass-shootings are committed with handguns, not rifles - yet the so-called “assault weapon” remains the poster child for every media’s attempt to demonize private ownership of firearms in the U.S. especially “assault rifles.” So, as media likes to imply that “assault rifles” are killing millions of Americans every year, the fact is that with a country of over 315,000,000 people, 403 people were killed with rifles of ALL types in 2017 according to the FBI.
The media’s recent propaganda blitz to destroy the Second Amendment is likely why Dems in America are throwing their support behind the Keep America Safe Act, which is scheduled to be debated soon in the House Judiciary Committee. Its supporters include such outspoken hoplophobes as Ted Deutch (D-FL) who was quoted stating, “There is only one purpose for a high-capacity magazine: to maximize human casualties.” The purpose of civilians owning weapons, including those equipped with “high-capacity” magazines, is to prevent tyranny and genocide. Maybe Ted should start reading the writings of the Founding Fathers as well about the history of genocide committed by totalitarian governments.
While this is objectively false, even if it were true, the recent Garlic Festival shooting in CA proves that banning possession of an object doesn’t affect those who wish to break the law.