From the Readers: Comments, Concerns and Questions April 2023
May 04, 2023
By Firearms News Staff
We receive a lot of reader responses at the Firearms News headquarters. From insightful questions and comments to full-on fury, we see a bit of everything. As a new initiative for Firearms News, we will be posting some of our favorite letters and notes from the readership each month, and we will also offer our contributors a chance to respond, when fitting. Have a question for a favorite writer? Need some clarification? Do you disagree with an article? Let us know! Each month, we will publish select comments and letters to the Firearms News website. To submit a comment, question or concern, email us at .
Springfield Armory SA-35 Trigger I just took possession of a new SA-35 Hi-Power. The TRIGGER ABSOLUTELY SUCKS!! The article by James Tarr, David Fortier, and Michelle Hamilton did not tell me that, and their article in part convinced me to buy this lemon. Michelle was truthful in allowing that the amazing Glock 19 was her preference. Also, the gun is a bitch to put back together, unless you have gorilla fingers to overcome the recoil spring and stubby little guide rod. How about some honesty out there gun writers?! I am old enough to not get sucked in, usually. Maybe the history lesson in the writeup got me. I will take it to a custom pistol smith I know and pay to have the trigger corrected. No, there was no coupon in the box for that expense.
- Disappointed and pissed in Myrtle Creek, Oregon
Tarr Response:
Sucks how? Heavy, gritty? How heavy? The problem isn't with the design, the Hi-Power is a proven design, and the Hi-Power trigger group without a magazine disconnect safety (as found in the SA-35) should provide a crisp trigger pull. If yours "sucks" (whatever that means) then perhaps you simply got a bad gun. It happens, and that's why warranties exist, on guns and cars and dishwashers. Send it to Springfield for repair.
The ”Lethal Weapon” Wheelgun Always look forward to a bit of picturesque prose and tongue-in-cheek asides from Will Dabbs. An inveterate gun tinkerer and indefatigable correspondent of gun culture memorabilia who never ceases to enlighten as well as entertain. His description of what the Brits euphemistically refer to as "deactivation" should be Webster's definition of “cringe worthy,” and I may just petition said institution thusly. Suffice to say I think Dr. Dabbs is a trip. If possible, please pass this along to the good doctor. That said, I enjoy most all I read in Firearms News. Talented wordsmiths abound and keep me re-upping my subscription.
- Thanks JPG
Suppressors and the ATF I enjoyed your first articles on suppressors and look forward to more in the future. In a future article, you might want to go into the grief the ATF gives in trying to get an application approved. I e-filed my ATF Form 4 on June 24, 2022, and I am still waiting for the approval. The last information I saw indicates that the average wait time is now 270 days for e-file and 315 days for a paper submission.
I purchased my Ruger Silent SR through the Silencer Shop which offered by far the best price and the full range of other services, and my local dealer, Machine Gun Tours. They seemed to have the best selection of suppressors and not be limited to their brands as some dealers seemed to be. It is intended for a Ruger 10-22 Takedown, which comes with a treaded barrel. Since I am nearing the 270 average wait. I am hopeful it won't be much longer.
Good luck with your new column. I always enjoy your writings.
- Jim Sidebottom
Best Barrel Lengths for the .308 Win. I do not usually respond to articles, and I do not have the Facebook, so I cannot bicker on there. But, I just read Mr. Fortier’s brief article regarding “best .308 barrel lengths, Is 16” too short?” which was sent to me by a friend of mine. I agree with the article, but I think it is important to explain why the .308 was originally in those longer barrels so the reader will understand the history, effects of twist rates, modern powders versus earlier chemistry over the years, etc. The powder chemistry was certainly not the same back in 1952 as it is today.
Read the complete review of the new Ruger SFAR .308 Here
The original standardized rifling for .308, I believe, (only because that is what I could only find it in way back when), was 1:12 inch twist, and it needed that longer barrel for the proper burn time. Cut that to 22 inches or 24 inches with the 1:12 inch twist barrel down to 16 inches, and the stats will start to suck. My older 24-inch 700 heavy barrel rifle back in the 90’s certainly lost a bit of its charm when I trimmed it to 18 inches, only so I could maneuver in the tree stand better. After several harsh words on cold mornings and conversations with my father and the guys at the backwoods gun shops, I started paying attention to twist rates, velocities, and other previously perceived boring ballistic topics which then focused me into reloading.
Modern .308 firearms started moving to the 1:10 inch twist, which makes up some of that lost velocity with modern ammunition. Sadly, I do not have the equipment to properly chronograph my own, but I would be curious to know how well that modern 1:10 twist rate actually contributes to the comparable statistics seen between the longer and shorter barrels of different twist rates in future articles.
When these comparison articles pop up from time to time, I’m always curious as to know what the twist rate is of the 22, 24, or 26-inch rifle is being used because I don’t see 1:12 twist rates in many modern, commercially available .308 firearms anymore. I would imagine with today’s modern ammunition and powders, that long of a barrel would almost put a drag on the bullet due to a more efficient burn.
To further agitate the mind, on 2/6/23, I attended the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg and had a chance to speak with some precision rifle manufacturers who told me that their .308 rifles are being made in 1:8 inch twist now. This topic, as well as .308 versus .30-06 (sighs), has been discussed over and over again within our group of friends for years and quite frankly the answers to both are similar regarding where the cartridge started and how it has developed with modern chemistry and projectile development.
In the end, we shoot what we have when we need it, and I doubt the target will notice a difference in velocity or care about twist rates when that time comes. My previously mentioned Remington 700 has since been re-built with an oversized recoil lug and an 18-inch, 1:10 inch twist Krieger heavy barrel and fitted into a McMillan stock. It has never sucked again since. The .308 remains one of my favorite options for all purposes.
Amazing how far they have come in 71 years with this cartridge, and others, with modern chemistry and technology. Thank you for great article and allowing me to ramble on with my thoughts. I hope some of it made sense.
- Matt Hartzman
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