January 21, 2020
By Firearms News Staff Report
In a story by Brad Brooks dated Monday, January 20th , Reuters news service quoted NRA Institute for Legislative Action Virginia State Director D. J. Spiker as stating: "Anti-gun billionaires who invested millions in the 2019 Virginia elections expect a return on that investment..." and "The NRA is fully prepared to work to defeat Governor Northam's gun grab - but also work to find compromise." The very successful pro-2nd Amendment demonstration against the quasi-Marxist anti-gun policies of Virginian democrats placed over 20,000 pro-2nd Amendment citizens on the doorstep of Virginia’s capitol in Richmond -- many of whom were armed -- and there was no violence, unlike the leftist media had predicted. However, the credit for this demonstration goes entirely to the Virginia Citizens Defense League , a statewide gun rights group, and NOT in any way to the NRA. So, why is the NRA willing to compromise away gun rights with such a successful outpouring of citizens? That question needs to be answered, and this is just another pitiful example of NRA compromises which stretch back to at least the 1930s.
For some reason, the media and anti-gun politicians feel that the NRA is the 2nd Amendment, and the NRA appears to think that it is the entity to decide how much of a 2nd Amendment Americans can have – all are completely wrong. It was refreshing to see the tweets by President Trump in support of Virginia gun owners, but we still wonder why he has remained silent over the past three years when the states of CA, OR, WA, NV, NM, CO, IL, FL, VT, CT, NY, NJ, MA, and MD have either eviscerated the gun rights of their citizens or deeply damaged gun ownership.
Firearms News will be reaching out to the NRA for clarification of the Reuters story as well inquiring about its game plan to stop the evisceration of guns rights in multiple states. Please read our three-part investigation into the NRA:
Firearms News Investigates the NRA, Part 1
Firearms News Investigates the NRA, Part 2
Firearms News Investigates the NRA, Part 3: Holy C.o.W. (Cult of Wayne)!