October 14, 2021
By Gun Owners of America
Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget is a gateway to tyranny and would deal a death blow to the Second Amendment.
If passed by the Senate, this bill would give the IRS unprecedented authority to track every purchase you make over $600.
That means a firearm that you purchase for over $600 would automatically be tracked and registered with the federal government.
But it doesn’t end there… Biden’s budget gives money for states to pass Red Flag Gun Grabs, meaning more gun confiscations for innocent citizens.
And while honest and law-abiding citizens are targeted by the IRS and SWAT teams, this budget grants amnesty to illegal aliens -- a group that favors anti-gun candidates by an 8:1 margin, according to a Pew poll.
We need to raise hell upon the 50-50 Senate to stop this budget or be prepared to say goodbye to our God-given rights.
Please add your name to our pre-written letter to urge YOUR two Senators to VOTE NO on Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget.
Anti-gunners and lobbyists for illegal aliens have been going to extreme lengths to try and pressure swing-vote Democrats in the Senate to pass Biden’s budget.
Some radicals have been caught stalking and harassing swing-vote Democrat Kyrsten Sinema on airplanes and even in the bathroom to try and force her to vote for this massive government overreach.
We cannot let the hysterical anti-gun, open borders Left be the only voice heard by the Senate.
That’s why it’s IMPERATIVE that you pressure YOUR two Senators to strike down this unprecedented government takeover.
And I assure you: Senators are paying attention to the letters they’re receiving…
...Mitch McConnell just reported that he’s received over 14,000 messages from his constituents in opposition to the proposed IRS surveillance rule.
But we cannot let up now. We all know that Republicans can turn on us in a matter of seconds.
That’s why we need to keep up the pressure until this bill has been officially pronounced dead on the Senate floor.
So, please add your name to our pre-written letter to urge YOUR two Senators to VOTE NO on Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget.