(lev radin/Shutterstock)
January 05, 2024
By Firearms News Staff Report
Wayne LaPierre, longtime head of the National Rifle Association , has resigned effective Jan. 31, according to Fox News reports . LaPierre, who has been executive vice president of the powerful pro-gun organization since 1991, cited health reasons for his resignation.
“With pride in all that we have accomplished, I am announcing my resignation from the NRA,” LaPierre was quoted as saying in an NRA announcement . “I’ve been a card-carrying member of this organization for most of my adult life, and I will never stop supporting the NRA and its fight to defend Second Amendment freedom. My passion for our cause burns as deeply as ever.”
The association’s announcement further stated that during an NRA Board of Directors meeting on Jan. 5 in Irving, Texas, NRA President Charles Cotton reported that he had accepted LaPierre’s resignation. LaPierre’s resignation comes on the eve of a corruption trial in New York promulgated by gun-hating Attorney General Letitia James. James has in the past called the group a “terrorist organization,” and has brought many actions against the association to try to run it out of business. According to the NRA release, Andrew Arulanandam, head of general operations for the association, will serve as interim CEO and executive vice president of the organization.
“Andrew knows every facet of this organization and has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me in every arena imaginable,” Lapierre said. “Andrew knows how to help the NRA win—he’s been one of the key authors of our playbook for decades.”
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